Sonik Panel






Instagram Stories and Reels

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, Instagram continues to reign supreme as a platform that not only connects people but also offers businesses an unparalleled opportunity to engage with their audience in creative ways. Among its most dynamic features are Instagram Stories and Reels, both of which have transformed how brands create content, share their narratives, and connect with their followers. Sonikpanel, a leader in SMM solutions, recognizes the immense potential these features hold for brands looking to elevate their Instagram presence.

Instagram Stories: A Snapshot into Daily Life

Launched in August 2016, Instagram Stories introduced users to a new way of sharing their daily lives with followers, one ephemeral snapshot at a time. This feature allows users to post photos and videos that vanish after 24 hours, offering a raw and unfiltered look into their day-to-day activities. For businesses, Stories have become a vital tool for behind-the-scenes content, flash sales, user-generated content, polls, and direct interaction with their audience.

The ephemeral nature of Stories creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, compelling followers to regularly check in so they don’t miss out. Sonikpanel emphasizes the importance of leveraging this feature for daily engagement, using it to keep the brand top-of-mind among its audience. By incorporating interactive elements like polls, questions, and swipe-up links (for accounts that have access to this feature), brands can drive more engagement and even direct traffic to their websites.

Instagram Reels: Captivating Audiences with Short-Form Content

In response to the rising popularity of TikTok, Instagram launched Reels in August 2020, offering users a new way to create and discover short, entertaining videos. Reels can be up to 60 seconds long and allow users to add audio, effects, and new creative tools. For brands, Reels present an opportunity to showcase their products, tell their stories, and reach new audiences in a fun and engaging way.

Sonikpanel advises brands to use Reels for showcasing product tutorials, highlighting customer testimonials, or sharing behind-the-scenes content. The key to success with Reels lies in creativity and originality, creating content that can capture the viewer’s attention within the first few seconds. With the algorithm favoring high-engagement content, Reels have the potential to significantly increase a brand’s visibility on Instagram.

Combining Stories and Reels for Maximum Impact

While both Stories and Reels offer unique advantages, combining them can lead to a powerful Instagram strategy. Sonikpanel recommends using Stories to drive viewers to your latest Reels, creating a cohesive content strategy that leverages the strengths of each format. For instance, brands can tease a new Reel on their Stories or share highlights from their Reels to encourage more views.

The synergy between Stories and Reels also extends to content creation. Content that performs well as a Story can inspire ideas for Reels and vice versa. This cross-pollination not only saves time and resources but also ensures a brand’s messaging is consistent across different formats.

Analytics: Measuring Success with Sonikpanel

Understanding how your Stories and Reels perform is crucial to refining your Instagram strategy. Sonikpanel offers detailed analytics for both, allowing brands to track views, engagement rates, and interaction data. These insights can inform content strategy, helping brands to understand what resonates with their audience and why.

For Stories, metrics such as completion rate (how many users watch your Story from start to finish) and interaction (polls, questions, swipe-ups) can indicate how engaging your content is. For Reels, likes, comments, shares, and saves are key metrics that reflect how well your content is performing.

Best Practices for Instagram Stories and Reels

To maximize the impact of Instagram Stories and Reels, Sonikpanel recommends the following best practices:

  • Be Authentic: Users gravitate towards content that feels genuine and authentic. Use Stories to share real moments and Reels to showcase your brand’s personality.
  • Engage Your Audience: Use interactive features in Stories and creative hooks in Reels to engage your viewers. Ask questions, use polls, and encourage users to comment on your Reels.
  • Maintain Consistency: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and helps you stay relevant. Develop a content calendar to maintain a steady stream of Stories and Reels.
  • Leverage Hashtags and Challenges: Participating in trending challenges and using relevant hashtags can increase your visibility and help you reach new audiences.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Regularly review your analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Use these insights to adapt your strategy and content accordingly.


Instagram Stories and Reels have opened new avenues for brands to connect with their audiences in a more personal and engaging way. By understanding the unique advantages of each feature and employing a strategic approach to content creation, businesses can significantly enhance their Instagram presence. With Sonikpanel’s SMM tools and analytics, brands are well-equipped to navigate the ever-changing social media landscape, creating content that not only resonates with their audience but also drives engagement and growth.